Tuesday, January 11, 2011

MY GREEK TAVERYNA, Coquitlam (My Birthday Dinner)

How all our cakes will look after singing Happy Birthday and before cutting it, thanks to my little one's quick Karate-chopping hands.

My real birthday evening was spent with family at My Greek Taverna in Coquitlam. I decided to order something different from my usual beef souvlaki and found that I should've stuck with that one. The dolmades dinner was so-so but it was my birthday dinner (and mom's treat) so I made the best of it. If you are looking for the best dolmades in Vancouver, you have to go to Stepho's. That's where I had my very first taste and experience and maybe it set the standard too high, but that's not a bad thing is it? Anyway, the company (and stealing a bunch of calamari from my mom's plate) made up for it. Oh having some of the cake spelling "Happy Birthday Justing" was a nice way to end the evening. I would say that I had a very nice birthday but I don't celebrate "birthdays." I celebrate birth "weeks" or "months" and this year, I choose to feel special and get what I want for the remainder of this month.

Feeling overly entitled,

My Friends know me too well...

What do you get someone who you know loves fashion and is a shopaholic? Well you get them something they don't have 10 of! My closest knew exactly what to get me: cookbooks, interior design magazines and a gift card for more books or magazines! By the time we move into a bigger home, I want to own tons of cookbooks and books on interior design and fashion. I really am getting older. I've graduated from reading and owning magazines to actual books... imagine that.

Monday, January 10, 2011

UNCLE FATIS, Broadway Vancouver

One of my favourite-ist pizza joints on Broadway and Commercial. It's cheap, delicious and clean. What more can someone who's starving and broke as a joke ask for?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Prostitutes, Plastic Boxes and Vietnamese Food, Burnaby

Overwhelmed by the super high ceilings and super tall shelves at Canadian Tire
I would've been happy if my stocking was stuffed with things from this aisle
What I came here for but geez, $12.99?! I promised myself I wouldn't pay more than $10 and passed on this one with a fancy handles
I went with this one at $6.99 instead (This is a garlic press btw)
This is what my mom and I had for lunch at this Filipino Restaurant by Joyce Station - my usual "Kare Kare" and "Pakbet" for her. Food was okay - nothing I'm dying to come back for.
I wasn't home all day so we dined at this Chinese/Vietnamese restaurant in New Westminster (kitty corner from Royal City Center). Unfortunately, I forgot the name :( The food wasn't to die for either but the service was great! Some of the friendliest Asian people I've dealt with.
First time to have an avocado bubble tea - I never see this on menus
Guess what I registered today!!! Congratulations to me!!!
The shoe boxes I went gaga over
I'm not even sure why I'm writing right now. I am beyond exhausted and have an early day tomorrow (pre-my birthday celebration with my husband and the little one). I guess it's because I am loyal to my non-existent readers and (most likely) because I took the pictures above and wanted to share these with you.

Anyway, I haven't been home all day and started the day off with another trip to Canadian Tire to grab 3 more of those 5-pack plastic shoe boxes, I purchased a couple of days ago, that were on sale at $5.99. After grabbing the garlic press, I went straight to the container/storage aisle and grabbed the boxes. I had to double check how much they were and to my dismay, the sale ended yesterday so they were back to their original price of $16.99!!! When the sales clerk told me, my heart sank (yes, that's how superficial I am). The expression on my make-up-less face must have softened her heart as she contacted Customer Service a few seconds later to inform them that I was on my way and to charge me the sale price. For my fellow shoppers out there, you know when these things happen, it means it's a sign that: I WAS MEANT TO HAVE THESE. 97% of my shoes now have a cozy home (I left the boots and booties homeless for easy access this winter season), which reminds me how much I need to wrap myself in a blanket and go to sleep.

I'll end this with a quick observation I made during a basketball game at my husband's old high school (it sounds odd that we went but he and his buddies watch this special tournament every year - kind of like a reunion for them too). I don't know about what your senior boy's basketball team female managers looked like but the ones we witnessed tonight were dressed like "street walkers." It is indeed a different time as a little over 10 years ago, being a manager myself, we would never imagine dressing in mini skirts and hooker boots. I mean, geez, we saved that look for the school dances :p

Falling asleep to Spencer's (from King of Queens) interview with Jimmy Fallon,

Tweets before Birthday Wishes

That's right. It was more important for me to take a photo of my birthday cake on the Berry than to make my wish. I mean, first things first people! Time to tweet and update my blog!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh to be a fly on the wall

I haven't eaten soft cheese in close to 2 years so you (cheese lovers) can imagine how joyous this moment was for me.

I still can't celebrate with champagne or wine so I have to bring these to parties in order to "participate" in toasts and mingling. If you haven't tried this brand, you are missing out! It's delicious and brings me back to my childhood days of sipping on super sugary tropical fruit drinks.

Who knew roasting garlic could be so easy?

The finished product.

Green tea cake from T&T (look at me, eating all the stuff I'm not supposed to)

We just got home from dinner at a friend's place and as usual, she cooked up an incredible feast (all after work too – she is my absolute cooking idol for western food). We arrived a little early so I caught her just in time as I’ve been begging to watch her cook so I could take note of how to do the simplest things like broil garlic covered shrimp or boil vegetables and toss them in butter. We kept the conversation light and humorous, with topics like Jersey Shore’s season 3 starting next week. The night ended with an unpleasant and smelly diaper change for the little one which consequently resulted in a 10 minute giant house fly chase. This unwelcomed guest flew in, seeing that we couldn’t avoid having to slide the patio door wide open – my friend and her boyfriend almost suffocated while my husband and I have grown immune to the “sweet” aroma of baby poop. Despite all of this, I am sure everyone had a good time.

Thanks and sorry again,

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hamburger Cake?

Just in case you know a special someone who loves hamburgers this much... they sell cakes that look like burgers (but hopefully don't taste like burgers) at T&T. 

(Would've been nice to know last October 03!)